Home Buying Tips

Looking to buy a home?  Here are a few tips...

Find a good local agent! 

Obtaining a knowledgeable agent in the Traverse City real estate market can save you time and money.  When interviewing potential agents, I would suggest asking the following three questions: 

  • Is Traverse City real estate your full-time profession? 
  • Do you on average sell at least three homes per month in the Traverse City real estate market?
  • Will you be representing my best interests as a designated buyer's agent throughout the entire transaction? 

My answer to these questions is yes, yes and yes!  I am dedicated and enthusiastic about Traverse City real estate and will focus all of my energy and skill to helping you easily and cost-effectively achieve your real estate goals.  I am consistently recognized by Century 21 as a top producer in the area and as your designated agent, you can be confident that I will be your trusted advisor in helping you to make smart real estate decisions.


Never generalize a market!

It is true that each market has certain standards or "common practices", but there is never a standard percentage or amount that a homeowner will be willing to negotiate down to.  It is crucial to view each home individually.  Every seller's situation is different, some homes are overpriced while others are underpriced, some homes have been on the market for years and others have just been listed.  These are all factors that need to be considered when looking for a home and considering an offer.  I have expert knowledge of the Traverse City real estate market and professional negotiating skills to help guide you to the right home, in the right location and for the right price.


Find a good lender!

I cannot stress this enough.  A good lender can make all of the difference in a successful transaction.  I strongly recommend finding a local lender that works in the Traverse City real estate market.  Problems can arise in almost every transaction and being able to get issues resolved quickly and proficiently will lead to a smooth and successful transaction.  I work closely with several local lenders that I can refer to you.